Discover the rankings

This article is about the Communities tab of our United Heroes application mceclip0.png

In the Communities tab, you will have access to the team and individual rankings. This ranking is reset at the beginning of each month to give everyone the opportunity to achieve the best possible ranking, as a team or individually 📈🥇

  1. Click on See my ranking
  2. The team ranking appears. It shows the teams at the lowest level of the team hierarchy
  3. To refine, click on Filters at the top right of the screen to change the settings. You can then:
    • see the Individual ranking in your company overall, or in your own team
    • see the Individual or Team ranking for a particular type of activity
    • change the timeframe (Last week, last month, ...)
    • change the ranking display method: by Average or by Total
Communities_EN.PNG Ranking_EN.PNG Filter_EN.PNG

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