⚠️ Before reading, please note that the Samsung Health application is only compatible with the Android 🤖 version of United Heroes, Healthy Cities, and Marathon Pour Tous but not on iPhone 🍏.
To use the Samsung Health app, start by downloading Samsung Health and follow the steps below👇🏻
Go to your account Settings and click on Connect Samsung Health
If your Samsung Health account is not yet created or connected, an error will appear. In this case, go to the Samsung Health app to set up your account on your smartphone.
In the Samsung Health app, create your account or log in and activate the specified options:
Terms and conditions
Special terms
then click at the bottom of the page on Agree / Accept
Once your Samsung Health account is created and/or activated, in the United Heroes app, click on Connect and activate All Permissions(All permissions) for the United Heroes app
You have successfully connected Samsung Health ✅ Simply refresh your Dashboard by pulling it down.