How to register for a paid challenge?

At United Heroes, through our different apps, we provide the opportunity to take part in Challenges or VR (Virtual Races) by buying your pack or bib directly on the web page  🏁

Registering to a paid challenge and choosing your pack

Choose the race you want to register for and follow the following steps:

  1. Your information: fill in your age and gender in your profile. A pop-up will appear if it's not done yet.
  2. The pack: Choose the desired pack. If a t-shirt is included, you will be asked for your size 👕
  3. Check and Payment: Check for 👇🏻
    • The price (it will update if you fill in a discount coupon before and after filling it if you have one)
    • Fill in a discount coupon, if you have one (see below for more)
    • Fill in your shipping address
    • Fill in your payment details (Credit card number, date, cryptogramme)
    • Accept the general terms of sale and delivery
  4. Validation of your payment:
    • If the payment is successful ✅, a screen is displayed validating the operation and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address in your profile. It will be from Stripe and will sum up your payment. Remember to check your spam inbox 📨
    • If the payment does not succeed ❌, a message will appear and we will re-direct you to another payment step.

💡 We advise paying using your credit card, as we work closely with the payment platform Stripe. Who is Stripe?

❓A doubt or a question?

First, check if the challenge/ the race was correctly added to your challenge list > Challenges/Events section of your account. If not, contact us 😀

I have a discount coupon, how do I use it?

  • If you have a discount coupon you can use the registering for a paid challenge or paid race, you can add it when completing the 3rd step ☝🏻 Check and Payment. The field to fill in is between the Price of your order and the shipping address.

Once this discount coupon is entered, the price of the order will update, if the coupon is valid ✅

  • The coupon did not work? You may have already used and/or it is not valid anymore, please check it with your coupon provider☝🏻😉

Otherwise, contact us without validating your order, we will check the discount coupon, and if possible, retroactively register your account to the Challenge or Race.


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