⚠️ Before continuing, we would like to inform you that on iPhone, the Google Fit app does not allow activity tracking with GPS tracking. Only manual additions are available.
To get started, sign in to your Google Account.
Once logged in, select Continue with [your first name].
You can also change or add another Google Account by clicking the email address below your First and Last Name.
Then two screens appear one after the other:
- A Track Your Activities screen here makes sure you select Enable at the bottom right.
- Then a Use Your Location screen appears - make sure you also select Enable at the bottom right.
Finally, you will arrive on the Google Fit dashboard 👉
☝️ To add your activities, open Google Fit > click on the
colour > select Track your workout > choose the type of activity, and then press Start activity. Once you have finished your workout, remember to stop your session. This activity will then automatically sync to your dashboard, so be sure to update it. on your dashboard, so don't forget to update it.
💡 You can also add an activity manually by clicking on thethen selecting Add an activity.
- A Track Your Activities screen here makes sure you select Enable at the bottom right.
To get started, sign in to your Google Account.
Once logged in, press Continue with [your first name].
You can also change or add another Google Account by clicking the email address below your First and Last Name.
You then have two choices:
Connect Fit to the Apple Health app by clicking on the corresponding button.
Select the data you want Apple Health to have access to (Walking and Running Distance, Swimming Distance, Cycling Distance, Heart Rate etc...) so that the data synced to Apple Health will automatically be sent to Google Fit and then synced to your Sport Heroes experience.
Decline by selecting "Not Now"
In this case, the Apple Health data will not be synchronized. If you refused to connect to Apple Health when you first logged in, rest assured that you will always have the option to connect to Apple Health later.
You will then be offered different onboarding screens. You are free to accept or refuse the different requests.
Finally, you will arrive on the Google Fit dashboard 👉
☝️ To manually add your activities, open Google Fit > click on the
colour > then on Add an activity > fill in the various fields > click on Save (top right). This activity will then be automatically synchronised on your dashboard, so don't forget to update it.
⚠️ On iPhone, the Google Fit app does not allow activity tracking with GPS tracking. Only manual additions are available via the + of the app. -
Connect Fit to the Apple Health app by clicking on the corresponding button.