Everything you need to know about Private Groups

Discover Groups 🤝

Our new feature, Groups, offers a dedicated space for users to meet and interact around shared activities.

Looking for partners for a lunchtime run 🏃‍♂️? Want to discuss yoga practice 🧘‍♀️? Share a photo of your last bike ride 🚲? Or organize a football match ⚽️ between your team and another to boost team spirit? You'll love the Groups. There’s something for everyone—you can even join Gardening or Eco-Action groups.

Before going further, note that this feature is only available in the app of your corporate wellness program United Heroes . Want to learn more? Visit our website 😉

How does it work? ⚙️

Join or Create a Group!

To join a Group, go to the Communities section of your United Heroes app.

  • Click on See all groups to access the complete list of available Groups in your company.
  • Select the Group you want to join, then click Join Group. Each Group must be joined individually.

If no existing Group fits your needs, you can create your own:

  1. Click on Create a Group.
  2. Enter a name and a brief description for your Group.
  3. Choose the Group type:
    • Private: The Group is only visible to its members. The creator must invite each member individually.
    • Public: The Group is visible and accessible to all users in your company.

Once your Group is created, you can invite your colleagues and start interacting.

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Post a Comment or an Image

Groups bring colleagues together around a shared passion or activity. Here's how to share content in a Group:

  1. Go to the Communities section and select your desired Group.
  2. Once inside the Group, the Wall will be displayed immediately. You can view previous posts there.
  3. To share a message or image:
    • Click Post a message, enter your text or add an image, then click Post.
  4. To reply to an existing post, click Reply in thread and write your message.

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💡 You must be a member of the Group to post.

View the Club Member List

Before joining a Group, you can view its member list: you might find your colleagues or meet new members from another team in your company!

To view the list of members in a Group:

  • Click on the Group name, and the member list will appear at the top right of the screen, next to the Group name.

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💡 You do not necessarily need to be a Club member to view its member list.

Invite Others to Join Your Group

Want to encourage your colleagues to join your Group? Here's how:

  1. Once inside a Group, locate the invitation icon next to the three dots at the top right of the screen, next to the Group name.
  2. Click on the Invite a colleague button.
  3. Your smartphone will provide several ways to send an invitation to your colleagues.

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Leave a Group

You can leave a Group at any time

  1. Go to the Communities section and click on the Group of your choice.
  2. Click on the Menu icon at the top right Capture_d_e_cran_2022-05-16_a__18.03.41.png
  3. And select Leave the Group
  4. You can always rejoin at any time! 👋🏻

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