I joined another company but I still use United Heroes, what should I do?

This article is intended for users of the United Heroes mceclip0.png app only.

You have left a company that used United Heroes... but have joined another that also uses it, great news! You can keep your usual account and therefore your history.

  • To join your new company, contact our team and provide the email address of your account. We will transfer your account to the environment of your new company 🤝
  • If you also wish to change the email address of your account (because it is hosted on your old professional email address) contact our team specifying the current address and the new one to use ✅


✅ The account transfer allows you to keep your profile and accumulated stats up to that point. You also keep the badges of challenges completed 🛡️
Switching to another company means switching to another team, and therefore your points are not transferred to your new team: only the points scored from the moment you join your new team will be taken into account 📈

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